Pineapple Cucumber Juice

With pineapple in season, they make for a delicious and nutritious juice. This can be made as an afternoon refresher or done as a three day juice fast.

This juice is incredibly hydrating and assists the kidneys and liver in clearing toxins out of the body. It can also be a great diuretic if holding water and puffiness is an issue. I also find it is extremely helpful when suffering from allergies.

Please note…The FDA doesn’t approve of any of this nor do they believe in food being medicine. Doctors won’t recommend it either because they would rather prescribe you a government approved drug. I am not a doctor nor do I play one on television.


1 ripe pineapple

1 cucumber

2 green apples

1 celery rib

1 inch of fresh ginger

Fresh mint

Put all through your favorite juicer and enjoy!

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